[NEWSSOURCEDOTCOM] is a news and networking site for the electronic and commercial music business.
If you want to hire me for Music Consulting,PR+Media,Press or Promotional work
Please Contact me via *E-mail or Twitter.
This site has been growing through these 3 years and 6 months.
If you want to hire me for Music Consulting,PR+Media,Press or Promotional work
Please Contact me via *E-mail or Twitter.
This page is created
Daniel Furlong Rodriguez
Daniel Furlong Rodriguez
B.A. in Communication
*Note:The promotional material is handed by the labels whom I have a direct relationship with the A&R's Press and Promotion PR's.

BBE Records proudly presents its 5th and arguably most exciting compilation with the French Disc Jockey and ambassador of disco, Dimitri from Paris.
This compilation focuses on Dimitri’s essential disco era tracks - made in Philadelphia, that feature the core of the rhythm section that created and defined the sound of the genre.
For this compilation Dimitri has exclusively reworked 5 tracks from the original multitrack tapes of Gamble and Huff with a further 4 being edited from the original 2 track stereo masters.