[NEWSSOURCEDOTCOM] is a news and networking site for the electronic and commercial music business.
'Potty Mouth Miami 2010'
"A strong and raw electric compilation from James Amato label! " DanielJohnAsher [DJ]
"A strong and raw electric compilation from James Amato label! " DanielJohnAsher [DJ]
Original music by:
Adam Bozzetto, Domsko, Geoff K
Tracks: Gypsy's Kiss, Bounce To This ft MC Skolzy (Electro & Bassline Mixes), Take It Back, I'm Fred Astair, Sidestepping Dre, Toe Jam, You Don't Stop, Watch This, Head Nodding, Kung Pow ft MC Loce
Remixes by:
Matthew Garton
[I'm Fred Astair]
Trashcan Djs
[Gypsy's Kiss]
This page is created by
Daniel Furlong Rodriguez
I have a College Degree from
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