Juno Digital
Musical Uk shop Juno Digital is teaming up with Discogs the best web information database service for dj's and music enthusiastics to provide a new digital online shop for all music lovers.
[This news was originally posted on March 21st...sorry guys]
*Juno Download’s Nick Unsworth said: “Discogs have built the most comprehensive database of dance and electronic music online and have earned credibility and respect as an essential resource for DJs and music enthusiasts.
“This is a perfect fit with our ethos of carrying the most extensive range of dance and electronic music on the web.
“We’re really excited to be working with Discogs to provide internet users more opportunity to purchase high quality and DJ-friendly downloads legally online.”
Discogs Jason Falone added: “We’re really excited about the future of Discogs Digital and the value Juno Download will help us bring to the buying experience.”
*Excerpts taken from the Juno Plus page
Source: Raoul Belmans + Juno Records
and Discogs