[NEWSSOURCEDOTCOM] is a news and networking site for the electronic and commercial music and media industry.
I have a College Degree from
Universidad del Valle de México
in Mexico City and a Musical
[DJ] Degree from
Universidad G.Martell College of Music.
in Mexico City and a Musical
[DJ] Degree from
Universidad G.Martell College of Music.
If you want to hire me for A&R, Music Consulting PR+Media,Press or Promotional work
Please Contact me via *E-mail or Twitter.

[IMPORTANT NOTICE]:Free postings...No more!
Please send Promotional Tracks or to the creator of this blog in order to be published with your content or press release.
[IMPORTANT NOTICE]:Free postings...No more!
Please send Promotional Tracks or to the creator of this blog in order to be published with your content or press release.