New gangster film brings East London's underground grime scene to the big screen for the first time...
The film stars Dexter Fletcher (Lock Stock , Stardust) Jamie Foreman (Football Factory , Layer Cake) and Zoƫ Tapper (Stage Beauty, Desperate Romantics), Gary Stretch, Gordon Alexander, Freddie Connor, Sheraiah Larcher, Kellie Shirley
(Wimbledon , The Office, EastEnders) and Gemma Atkinson (Boogie Woogie, Hollyoaks) make up the rest of the British cast.
Baseline has been produced by an ambitious young team and has received much praise from the film industry.
"Baseline" is exactly the kind of independent passion project that is the future of British film. It was a pleasure to have been involved and it really deserves people getting behind it and showing their support." - Dexter Fletcher
MOBO Review for the film
The Trailer and special teaser scene -
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LAST chance to catch 'Baseline' in cinemas!
Apollo Piccadilly: 2nd- 8th July - 9:45pm