newssurcedotcom:band:yeah yeah yeahs
So you want to know more?
NME were quick to pick up on the YYY's forthcoming EP, 'Is Is', and made it their headline news piece in this week's issue.
Down Boy - The Video
All five of the tracks on 'Is Is' were captured live on infra-red film infront of a special female only audience earlier this year. Of these the video for 'Down Boy' is the only one cut to studio sound instead of the live recording. 'Down Boy' will be available to download as a 1trk single from July 2nd, giving you a taste of what awaits when 'IS IS' is released on July 23rd.Also available to purchase on the 23rd will be the above video to 'Down Boy'.
Forgoing the usual route of just giving press interviews the band have chosen to answer fans questions directly via Drowned In Sound's website.
SOURCE: yeahyeahyeahs.com
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