CHRISTIAN PROMMER´s DrumLesson - Drum Lesson Vol.1
For part one of the the two DRUMLESSON albums, that Christian Prommer will produce this year, he recorded
10 of his favourite dance classics as jazz interpretations.
Taking his favourite dance tracks of the last two decades and transforming the energy and magic of the originals into a performance of a jazz quartet (piano, drums, percussion and bass) was quite an interesting journey for the composer/producer.
Thought of as a "one-off" track for the fun of it, it sat on the shelf for a long time until ALEX BARCK of the JAZZANOVA crew, came by and heard the track. Alex and the rest of the crew got so excited about this tune, playing it in their DJ sets all over the world, that they soon decided to release a 12" with this track.
Released in May 2007 it was a fast spreading phenomenon. DJs and music fans from all sides of the spectrum got into this track. DERRICK MAY also gave CHRISTIAN PROMMER his thumbs up. Nice.
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