La banda australiana Wolfmother acaba de lanzar su nuevo sencillo Back Round producido por Alan Moulder, reconocido productor de la escena rockera musical.
Además, por medio de su página Wolfmother.com pueden bajar este nuevo sencillo. También pueden donar dinero para la Cruz Roja Australiana por medio de su sitio web.
Esto viene a darle un nuevo respiro a la escena rockera mundial ya que no han habido buenas propuestas en el ambiente musical.

Back Round is the first tangible snapshot into the cosmos of Wolfmother’s second album & is available for all and sundry for download now from here.
A liberating avalanche of skull-crushing drums and primal riffing, Back Round
In lieu of cash payment for the new track, Wolfmother are encouraging fans to put their money in a righteous place and donate to the Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal at redcross.org.au
Back Round was debuted to an international audience just last Friday when the band closed the MTV Australia Music Awards in Sydney in electrifying fashion.
On April 17 the performance will be aired across 62 MTV channels and 162 countries in Europe, Asia, America and Canada on MTV’s World Stage programming.
Following the performance Wolfmother took off to LA to record the remainder of the sophomore set with acclaimed UK producer Alan Moulder, the results of which are set to surface later in the year.
This represents a joyous evolution for the Australian band following on from their 2006 self-titled debut.
Fuente:Modular Records + Wikipedia
Este sitio es apoyado por Modular Records
Palabras:Daniel Furlong
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